To Our Clients

A Message To Skytel Suisse Clients

The only safe harbor for sharing our private information, thoughts, and business data may lie in technology. Like many others in the fight for privacy, providing this safe harbor for information is our mission.

This network was designed with one simple, fundamental concept: A clients' data belongs to the client alone.

Underneath the easy-to-use interface is a multi-layered security system that takes into account the importance of the data with which Skytel Suisse has been entrusted. Every element of data we receive is important to you, so it is important to us.

Skytel Suisse does not have the ability to access client data, nor are we able to give access to client data to anyone, for any reason. Our system is designed this way.

We hope you find the Skytel Suisse services for protecting your privacy and information a benefit.

Thank you for your trust.

Founder, Skytel Suisse